
Merciless Javelineer

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

1 Skophos Reaver 0.98
1 Alms of the Vein 0.98
1 Reckless Wurm 0.98
4 Kitchen Imp 0.97
4 Hell Mongrel 0.97
4 Gorgon Recluse 0.97
7 Fiery Temper 0.96
7 Dark Withering 0.96
9 Call to the Netherworld 0.95
9 Grave Scrabbler 0.95
11 Terminal Agony 0.91
12 Dirty Wererat 0.67
13 Toxic Stench 0.66
13 Frightcrawler 0.66
15 Distemper of the Blood 0.65
15 Cabal Initiate 0.65
15 Ichor Slick 0.65
18 Alchemist's Greeting 0.64
18 Bloodmad Vampire 0.64
18 Murderous Compulsion 0.64
21 Grim Affliction 0.63
21 Scrapwork Mutt 0.63
23 Swirling Sandstorm 0.62
23 Revolutionist 0.62
25 Thriving Bluff 0.57

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