
Huatli's Raptor

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

66 Alpha Tyrranax 0.18
66 Grazing Whiptail 0.18
66 Shining Aerosaur 0.18
66 Snubhorn Sentry 0.18
66 Transguild Promenade 0.18
66 Ravenous Daggertooth 0.18
66 Drowsing Tyrannodon 0.18
83 Ironpaw Aspirant 0.17
83 Sparring Construct 0.17
83 Arcane Spyglass 0.17
83 Marsh Viper 0.17
83 Sabertooth Cobra 0.17
83 Pistus Strike 0.17
83 Sigiled Sentinel 0.17
83 Orazca Frillback 0.17
83 Raptor Companion 0.17
83 Shriek Raptor 0.17
83 Pentad Prism 0.17
83 Citadel Gate 0.17
83 Imperiosaur 0.17
83 Imposing Vantasaur 0.17
97 Dune Mover 0.16
97 Enduring Bondwarden 0.16
97 Ornery Dilophosaur 0.16
97 Sunder the Gateway 0.16

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