
Battlewise Hoplite

Deck nameCreatorSource
target practice rackdaddy Moxfield
W/U Voltron pEDH/EDH Affinity_For_Blue Archidekt
Word to the Battlewise Mudorios Archidekt
Battlewise Hoplite sbolande Moxfield
Commander Tactics StandingInMyShadow Moxfield
PEDH Azorius Heroic VoltaicArrow Archidekt
Battlewise Hoplite | PDH | Aura/Voltron TreefolkLord Moxfield
cPDH - I've Got A Little Horsie On My Hat CardboardCombat Moxfield
PDH(WU) - Save the Cheerleader, Save the World Area_51 Moxfield
Pauper Commander test AnimePope Moxfield
Battlewise Hoplite Pauper DragonJayg Archidekt
Rising Star of Akros mummersfarce Moxfield
Battlewise Hoplite v1 SauloMiller Moxfield
Battlewise Hoplite syzygy1990 Moxfield
Secret Santa Pauper commander LiamMausoleum Moxfield
Damn king you looking big today BiggSam Moxfield
For Ryan Keeno Moxfield
Battlewise Hoplite PDH Tristan2016 Archidekt
U?W chase2770 Archidekt
Imagine Blocking LMAO EviiPaladin Moxfield

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