
Disciple of Deceit

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

318 Sedraxis Alchemist 0.01
318 Eldrazi Devastator 0.01
318 Tizerus Charger 0.01
318 Destroy the Evidence 0.01
318 Songs of the Damned 0.01
318 Glorious Gale 0.01
318 Vesper Ghoul 0.01
318 Apprentice Wizard 0.01
318 Lay Bare 0.01
318 Teller of Tales 0.01
318 Skirge Familiar 0.01
318 Spectral Prison 0.01
318 Stabbing Pain 0.01
318 Ancestral Reminiscence 0.01
318 Wither and Bloom 0.01
318 Ray of Command 0.01
318 Merrow Levitator 0.01
318 Deepwater Hypnotist 0.01
318 Meldweb Strider 0.01
318 Consign to Dream 0.01
318 Coral Reef 0.01
318 Witness of Tomorrows 0.01
318 Locked in the Cemetery 0.01
318 Library of Leng 0.01
318 Wasteland Scorpion 0.01

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