
Strands of Undeath

Enchantment — Aura

View on Scryfall

Appears in 161 of 21,327 decks (0.8%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Killian, Ink Duelist 31 0.09
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker 12 0.02
Crypt Rats 9 0.09
Fell Specter 6 0.31
Ashiok's Adept 6 0.26
Hateful Eidolon 6 0.08
Plague Spitter 3 0.14
Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator 3 0.07
Sedraxis Specter 3 0.05
Poison-Tip Archer 3 0.03
Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Agent of the Shadow Thieves 3 0.01
Tor Wauki the Younger 3 0.0
Stronghold Rats 2 0.99
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh + Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar 2 0.24
Bladewing the Risen 2 0.19
Ochran Assassin 2 0.16
Souls of the Faultless 2 0.16
Oona's Blackguard 2 0.1
Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar + Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar 2 0.1
Taborax, Hope's Demise 2 0.06
Disciple of Deceit 2 0.01
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg 2 0.01
Abomination of Llanowar 2 0.0
Syr Konrad, the Grim 2 0.0
Mahadi, Emporium Master 1 None
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