
Killian, Ink Duelist

Deck nameCreatorSource
Killian pauper BenAffleck Moxfield
Killian, Ink Duelist EchoingKetchup Archidekt
Pauper Commander DhiccTick Moxfield
Killian, Ink Duelist (Pauper EDH) DotZteve Moxfield
Stay On Target Kinkertastic Moxfield
Kilian Voltron Fensterrahmen Moxfield
Bargain Bin Bully BashfulBass Moxfield
Killian's Kills Son_of_Phi Archidekt
you've got a bad aura hecklefeckle Moxfield
Low cost Auras Signplus Archidekt
Killian em with kindness (and auras) Ampedupampora Moxfield
(cPDH) Killian Azrael Moxfield
SAI Murdabug Moxfield
Killian Control (Pauper) can0be Moxfield
Killian, Ink Duelist RagnaAarok Archidekt
Killian, Ink Duelist PEDH brendeeno Moxfield
[PDH] Killian, Ink Duelist dr_dimir_mtg Moxfield
killian pedh questioning_phelddagrif Moxfield
Casual voltron? 🤷‍♂️ BigMike666 Moxfield
Agressive Paperwork Rythyn Moxfield

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