
Golden-Tail Trainer

Deck nameCreatorSource
Golden Tail Gahelis Archidekt
Golden-Tail Trainer - Pawpurr Yiffing ObsidiousX Moxfield
Knowledge earns you power, character earns you respect. prplCar0t Moxfield
Golden-Tail Trainer Pauper EDH InvaderJoe Archidekt
Golden Tail Pauper CDLong Archidekt
Pauper Fox Samurai Razmakhan Archidekt
Secret Santa Golden Tail BlakeEverett Moxfield
apply equipment directly onto the golden tail Helios314 Moxfield
Modify to Body-fy LoserIdiotFool Moxfield
[pEDH] GTT furiousgeorge Moxfield
Golden-Tail Trainer PDH jakeyks Moxfield
Golden-Tail Trainer THEkerithW Moxfield
Christmas Surprise 2 RekdaahTelambar Archidekt
gigabrain modify vines928 Moxfield
Go wide Voltron HeWhoPlotts Moxfield
Keep Killing You 'til the End of Time | Golden-Tail Trainer PDH dracv_pauper Moxfield
Golden-Tail pEDH Beat Down MrLebowski Moxfield
Golden-Tail PDH Jankasaur Moxfield
Golden-Tail Modified pEDH abrAsivv Archidekt
The Way of the Fox | Golden-Tail Trainer Pauper EDH Orso Moxfield

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