
Monastery Swiftspear

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

1 Brute Force 0.64
2 Mage-Ring Bully 0.59
2 Crash Through 0.59
4 Infuriate 0.56
4 Firebolt 0.56
6 Ancestral Anger 0.54
7 Chain Lightning 0.53
8 Shock 0.52
9 Firebrand Archer 0.49
10 Built to Smash 0.48
10 Fire Urchin 0.48
12 Festival Crasher 0.47
13 Goblin Wizardry 0.44
13 Kiln Fiend 0.44
13 Lightning Strike 0.44
16 End the Festivities 0.43
17 Kessig Flamebreather 0.4
18 Fists of Flame 0.39
18 Lightning Visionary 0.39
18 Bloodfire Expert 0.39
21 Distemper of the Blood 0.38
21 Lava Spike 0.38
21 Akki War Paint 0.38
24 Rush of Adrenaline 0.37
24 Antagonize 0.37

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