
Armament Corps

Deck nameCreatorSource
PDH(WBG) - FUNGUSSES Alkadron Moxfield
abzan Eonzo Archidekt
pdh(wbg) - 5-Standard-Sets Challenge Alkadron Moxfield
Abzan Proliferate Keeno Moxfield
PDH - Fungus MajoMtG Moxfield
Abzan Toxic: Pauper EDH ($41) Bernie_Ravnica_Guy Moxfield
abzan pauper Asako_Sento Moxfield
Abzan Fungi TheWorstRogue Moxfield
Abzan Zombies TheWorstRogue Moxfield
count the corpses xXDannydeckzXx Moxfield
ArmamentsPDH CodeNameYanah Moxfield
infinite abzan thatlegojeepguy Moxfield
Cure for the common life total DarkX1122 Moxfield
Dark Soul LupinLeLoup Moxfield
Armamanet Corps Proliferate/Poison Pauper EDH BasaltyMonolith Moxfield
PDH - WBG Armament Corps Indestructible Theme gyrasolune Moxfield
Dune pinkgoldwhale Archidekt
The +1/+1 Corps jesus5091 Moxfield
Test deck bradnakata Archidekt
Armament Corps Counters Pauper EDH TNT Creepinthrudawoods Moxfield

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