
Fynn, the Fangbearer

Deck nameCreatorSource
Fynn-Fect Libertinob Moxfield
Fynn Deathtouch Pauper Commander Mustaches11 Archidekt
PEDH Fynn pomronic2005 Moxfield
Iocaine Powder JDRoberts10 Moxfield
Iocaine Powder jdroberts Archidekt
Pauper EDH Kingdragon611 Moxfield
System of A Fynn: Toxicity RiverPiracy Moxfield
Poison LupinLeLoup Moxfield
Mono G Poison v1.1 JuLHauM Moxfield
Fynn - Love Is Death TenSimpules Moxfield
Fynn, the Fangbearer- Fight Against the Infection if You Dare TeachingAlven Moxfield
Death Strike D4G4N Archidekt
Pauper Fynn DaemonJoker Moxfield
[cPDH] Fynn, the Fangbearer dr_dimir_mtg Moxfield
Fynn pauper tunafish Moxfield
Fynn, Butterfly Kiss (Pauper)* dimension_slash Moxfield
Fynn the Pauper motownmogul Moxfield
HH Pauper Poison HeresHenry Archidekt
Paupa Fynn Fangboi forttahuya Moxfield
Mono G Poison v1.0 JuLHauM Moxfield

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