
Defiant Vanguard

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

1 Amrou Scout 1.0
1 Ramosian Lieutenant 1.0
1 Thermal Glider 1.0
1 Samite Censer-Bearer 1.0
1 Lawbringer 1.0
1 Ramosian Sergeant 1.0
1 Nightwind Glider 1.0
1 Lightbringer 1.0
9 Defiant Falcon 0.99
9 Bound in Silence 0.99
11 Children of Korlis 0.97
11 Guardians' Pledge 0.97
13 Irregular Cohort 0.96
14 Gold Myr 0.89
15 Benevolent Bodyguard 0.88
15 Prismatic Strands 0.88
17 Suture Priest 0.78
17 Journey to Nowhere 0.78
19 Mind Stone 0.64
20 Amrou Seekers 0.5
20 Reinforcements 0.5
20 Errant Doomsayers 0.5
20 Pay No Heed 0.5
20 Zealot il-Vec 0.5
20 Encampment Keeper 0.5

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