
Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith

Deck nameCreatorSource
Poisoned Rocks Baxter Archidekt
Toggo's Groundbreaking Tech shweshipu Archidekt
Goblin Weaponsmith beerdedbrewer Moxfield
Toggo / Falthis control | cPDH | V4 duplicated from Gatorbait_TV maarten010 Moxfield
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith, Falthis, Shadowcat Fami metalrayn Moxfield
Toggo/Falthis Mizu_Sun Moxfield
rocks ebshinee Moxfield
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Grizzly_Cyborg Moxfield
Toggo/Falthis Pauper artec111 Archidekt
"The Pioneers Used to Ride These Babies for Miles" MurseZee Moxfield
Toggo, The Greatest, Deadliest, Most Accurate Baseball Player Don_Djanggo Moxfield

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