
Ertha Jo, Frontier Mentor

Deck nameCreatorSource
Big Ertha's Pair o' Pingers (PEDH) cardboardfjord Moxfield
Ertha Jo Pingers and Protectors cpEDH Cogsworth Moxfield
Extras [Ertha Jo] Draner Moxfield
Activation Station RailTracer Moxfield
Ertha Jo, PDH Pingers pfrancis13 Moxfield
ERTHA - FIRST OF THE PAUPERS? jediarecool Moxfield
Ertha Jo, Frontier Mentor ArchonMage Moxfield
Milf Army faintXpetrichor Archidekt
ertha jo Birdtrap Moxfield
Home on the Range d33pw4t3r Moxfield
Double Activated johnnyBalboa Moxfield
Ertha Jo Momma Melono Moxfield

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