
Akawalli, the Seething Tower

Deck nameCreatorSource
Graveyard matters Drakex Archidekt
Akawalli, the Seething Tower 🍄 "LAST OF US" 🍄 Midrange 🍄 cPDH PapaPauper Moxfield
Fungus Amongus Dorkness_Unleashed Archidekt
Akawalli reanimator [email protected] Archidekt
Shroomful descent theDM Moxfield
Graveyard Smash! SirVictorSponge Archidekt
Descente Golgari Hexarck Archidekt
pEDH - golgari DePersians Archidekt
Treehouse of Terror MaximumMagic Moxfield
Akawalli, the Seething Pauper sgtCalamari Moxfield
golgari pauper qton000 Archidekt
PDH deck edhig07 Moxfield
Akawalli, the Seething Tower - Pauper MerfolkManiac1 Moxfield
Akawalli Pauper (WIP) Shamzenite Moxfield
pEDH TheRealDesufnoc Archidekt
Not a Zombie Mathess Archidekt
Golgari Fungus Pauper dooorex Archidekt
Fungus Amongus Pierc45 Archidekt
Akawalli pauper edh Sirdannykins Moxfield
Akawalli, the Seething Tower pauper commander peter_goodman Moxfield

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