
Electrostatic Infantry

Deck nameCreatorSource
It’s Electric RRadicalCanines Archidekt
Shock and dr'Awe TripleMalt Moxfield
Electrostatic Infantry Spellslingers Pauper EDH Creepinthrudawoods Moxfield
Spellslinger Sughes Moxfield
Pump the Electric Dwarf Pauper EDH B100DSIMPLE Moxfield
P-EDH Mono Red bhayhurst1 Archidekt
Electrostatic Stormer aethermaster Moxfield
RED DECK WINS PEDH ThatTubaGuy Moxfield
Burning Voltron guillotinemcgee Moxfield
[PDH] Burn & Steal kingduck15 Archidekt
[DuelPDH] Electrostatic Aggro HaciendaGaming Moxfield
PDH TotalBaka Moxfield
infantry- Blast TheMalicious Moxfield
Electrostatic Infantry Polygone Moxfield
Electrostatic! micflo Moxfield
Voltron spells Lyranon Moxfield

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