
Electrostatic Infantry

Deck nameCreatorSource
Pauper - Electrostatic Infantry Hubis Moxfield
Shock and dr'Awe TripleMalt Moxfield
mono red intro bradronk Moxfield
Electrostatic Infantry JayKells Moxfield
Electrostatic Nice VestSnowflake Archidekt
[PDH] Burn & Steal kingduck15 Archidekt
It’s Electric RRadicalCanines Archidekt
Electrostatic Infantry Spellslingers Pauper EDH Creepinthrudawoods Moxfield
Spellslinger Sughes Moxfield
Pump the Electric Dwarf Pauper EDH B100DSIMPLE Moxfield
P-EDH Mono Red bhayhurst1 Archidekt
Electrostatic Stormer aethermaster Moxfield
RED DECK WINS PEDH ThatTubaGuy Moxfield
Burning Voltron guillotinemcgee Moxfield
[DuelPDH] Electrostatic Aggro HaciendaGaming Moxfield
PDH TotalBaka Moxfield
infantry- Blast TheMalicious Moxfield
Electrostatic Infantry Polygone Moxfield
Electrostatic! micflo Moxfield
Voltron spells Lyranon Moxfield

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