
Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel + Tormod, the Desecrator

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

75 Sadistic Glee 0.28
75 Cabal Ritual 0.28
75 Call to the Netherworld 0.28
75 Soldevi Adnate 0.28
75 Abnormal Endurance 0.28
75 Rowan's Grim Search 0.28
82 Culling the Weak 0.27
82 Nasty End 0.27
82 Mortician Beetle 0.27
82 Demonic Gifts 0.27
86 Eaten Alive 0.26
86 Nadier's Nightblade 0.26
86 Blood Seeker 0.26
86 Undercity Scrounger 0.26
90 Demon's Disciple 0.24
90 Persistent Specimen 0.24
90 Ashnod's Altar 0.24
93 Not Dead After All 0.22
93 Mirkwood Bats 0.22
95 Dread Return 0.21
95 Fake Your Own Death 0.21
97 Dimir House Guard 0.2
97 Thought Vessel 0.2
99 Tortured Existence 0.19
99 Bone Shards 0.19

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