
Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher + Agent of the Shadow Thieves

Deck nameCreatorSource
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss CommonderCast Moxfield
May 03, 2024 | The Rebrew Rumble w/ Vhal of the Shadow Thieves thePDHpod Moxfield
Pauper-EDH Hjalmar Moxfield
Vhal, Shady Liberian Arnie_B Moxfield
Nuttifrutti Ekan Moxfield
cPDH:Vhal, Candlekeep's Agent Mizu_Sun Moxfield
Vhalue Thievery CommonderCast Moxfield
TonisBolognis - Agent of the Shadow Thieves // Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher SanctuaryPDH Moxfield
DimirBigMana Wohoo Archidekt
Vhalhalla Tankerbell Moxfield
Vhal agent of the shadows sum1loanme20 Moxfield
Shadow Vhal Kathman Moxfield
Poor Vhal DJXAY2 Moxfield
Vhalhalla Tankerbell Moxfield
Vhal Pauper EDH RuneBear Archidekt
Shadow Vhal - Yaloron DurgerK Archidekt
Shadow Vhal PDH Protagorist Archidekt
[cPDH] Shadow Vhal Yaloron Moxfield
Casual - Shadow Vhal noshadowkick Moxfield

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