
Arcbound Tracker

Artifact Creature — Dog

View on Scryfall

Appears in 540 of 20,175 decks (2.7%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Arcbound Shikari 96 0.9
Alpine Houndmaster 21 0.65
Commander Liara Portyr 21 0.24
Sonorous Howlbonder 18 0.59
Kalain, Reclusive Painter 12 0.15
Loyal Apprentice 11 0.19
Grumgully, the Generous 11 0.05
Enthusiastic Mechanaut 10 0.15
Guttersnipe 9 0.01
Arbaaz Mir 8 0.13
Captain Storm, Cosmium Raider 8 0.06
Zada, Hedron Grinder 8 -0.02
Sokenzan Smelter 7 0.51
Syr Carah, the Bold 7 0.05
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame 7 0.01
Upriser Renegade 6 0.83
Sarcatog 6 0.35
Reinforced Ronin 6 0.35
Storm-Kiln Artist 6 0.04
Gut, True Soul Zealot + Agent of the Iron Throne 6 0.01
Mishra, Excavation Prodigy 5 0.31
Captain Ripley Vance 5 0.06
Armix, Filigree Thrasher + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith 5 0.06
Sphinx of the Guildpact 5 0.0
Furnace Hellkite 4 0.22
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