
Cabal Torturer

Creature — Human Minion

View on Scryfall

Appears in 59 of 21,327 decks (0.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel 14 0.05
Shay Cormac 3 0.16
Sultai Soothsayer 3 0.02
Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator 2 0.08
Inkfathom Witch 2 0.02
Akawalli, the Seething Tower 2 0.02
Vizkopa Guildmage 2 0.01
Azra Oddsmaker 2 0.0
Syr Konrad, the Grim 2 0.0
Scandalmonger 1 None
Dimir Guildmage 1 None
Keeper of the Dead 1 None
Zoyowa Lava-Tongue 1 None
Vile Manifestation 1 1.0
Jorubai Murk Lurker 1 0.5
Triarch Praetorian 1 0.5
Cabal Patriarch 1 0.5
Merciless Javelineer 1 0.33
Rattleback Apothecary 1 0.25
Banshee 1 0.16
Raul, Trouble Shooter 1 0.16
Underworld Hermit 1 0.14
Evil Eye of Urborg 1 0.12
Gatekeeper of Malakir 1 0.12
Rot Farm Skeleton 1 0.11
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