

Kindred Instant — Goblin

View on Scryfall

Appears in 275 of 20,175 decks (1.4%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Guttersnipe 29 0.15
Battle Cry Goblin 17 0.39
Murderous Redcap 16 0.18
Goblin Warchief 12 0.23
Syr Carah, the Bold 11 0.14
Tor Wauki the Younger 11 0.02
Fear of Burning Alive 7 0.59
Young Pyromancer 7 0.11
Horde of Boggarts 6 0.99
Dragon's Rage Channeler 6 0.22
Munitions Expert 6 0.21
Loyal Apprentice 6 0.12
General Kreat, the Boltbringer 6 0.08
Blaze Commando 6 0.05
Balmor, Battlemage Captain 6 0.0
Third Path Iconoclast 6 -0.01
Goblin Lackey 5 0.24
Sprite Dragon 5 0.01
Aegar, the Freezing Flame 4 0.01
Zada, Hedron Grinder 4 -0.01
Monastery Swiftspear 3 0.29
Electrostatic Infantry 3 0.09
Uglúk of the White Hand 3 0.04
Melek, Izzet Paragon 3 0.01
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame 3 0.0
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