
Harrier Strix

Creature — Bird

View on Scryfall

Appears in 294 of 20,015 decks (1.5%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Rilsa Rael, Kingpin 43 0.08
Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart 16 0.08
Kangee, Sky Warden 14 0.1
Watcher of the Spheres 13 0.19
Queza, Augur of Agonies 12 0.02
Soulherder 8 0.0
Lilysplash Mentor 7 0.07
Oji, the Exquisite Blade 7 0.03
Cynette, Jelly Drover 6 0.99
Lazav, Familiar Stranger 6 0.09
Kraum, Violent Cacophony 6 0.08
Sharae of Numbing Depths 6 0.05
Gwaihir the Windlord 5 0.18
Inkfathom Witch 5 0.05
Lazotep Chancellor 5 0.01
Balmor, Battlemage Captain 5 0.0
Knightfisher 4 0.99
Crookclaw Elder 4 0.49
Plumecreed Mentor 4 0.49
Empyrean Eagle 4 0.12
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 4 0.03
Tatyova, Benthic Druid 4 -0.01
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Feywild Visitor 3 0.42
Esior, Wardwing Familiar + Siani, Eye of the Storm 3 0.21
Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea 3 0.07
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