
Expedition Healer

Creature — Kor Cleric

View on Scryfall

Appears in 96 of 17,597 decks (0.5%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Edgewalker 33 0.41
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer 12 0.04
Keensight Mentor 6 0.99
Alert Heedbonder 6 0.18
Cleric of Life's Bond 5 0.17
Shieldmage Elder 2 0.99
Soul's Attendant 2 0.66
Doubtless One 2 0.33
Ajani's Pridemate 2 0.06
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 2 0.0
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" 1 0.99
Chaplain of Alms // Chapel Shieldgeist 1 0.99
Daru Mender 1 0.99
Warrior en-Kor 1 0.99
Stoneforge Acolyte 1 0.49
Urbis Protector 1 0.49
Space Marine Scout 1 0.24
Adanto Vanguard 1 0.19
Serene Steward 1 0.16
Angel of Vitality 1 0.14
Markov Purifier 1 0.11
Mother of Runes 1 0.11
Tethmos High Priest 1 0.09
Starseer Mentor 1 0.07
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 1 0.05
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