
Deepwood Ghoul

Creature — Zombie

View on Scryfall

Appears in 36 of 15,438 decks (0.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Vizkopa Guildmage 10 0.05
Undead Warchief 5 0.13
Diregraf Captain 4 0.08
Narfi, Betrayer King 4 0.04
Zombie Trailblazer 2 0.25
Plague Spitter 2 0.11
Scavenging Ghoul 1 1.0
Leyline Prowler 1 1.0
Black Knight 1 1.0
Indulgent Tormentor 1 1.0
Banshee 1 0.16
Duskfang Mentor 1 0.16
Carnage Gladiator 1 0.1
Wayward Servant 1 0.05
Lagomos, Hand of Hatred 1 0.01
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