
Arboreal Grazer

Creature — Sloth Beast

View on Scryfall

Appears in 1,098 of 19,827 decks (5.5%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Tatyova, Benthic Druid 109 0.12
Ancient Lumberknot 55 0.74
Tatyova, Steward of Tides 42 0.27
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer 32 0.05
Lilysplash Mentor 24 0.2
Maja, Bretagard Protector 23 0.28
Lagrella, the Magpie 22 0.07
Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty 19 0.0
Gretchen Titchwillow 17 0.01
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar 16 -0.01
Lore Weaver + Ley Weaver 15 0.0
Brushfire Elemental 13 0.32
Battery Bearer 13 0.06
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith + Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer 13 0.05
Fynn, the Fangbearer 13 -0.04
Loyal Guardian 12 0.25
Herd Baloth 12 0.07
Grumgully, the Generous 12 0.01
Displaced Dinosaurs 12 0.0
Belligerent Brontodon 11 0.44
Abominable Treefolk 11 0.22
Uurg, Spawn of Turg 11 0.04
Ravenous Squirrel 10 0.0
Zendikar Incarnate 9 0.42
Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop 9 0.23
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