
Flaming Fist Officer

Creature — Gnome Soldier

View on Scryfall

Appears in 482 of 17,597 decks (2.7%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward + Far Traveler 55 0.4
Minthara, Merciless Soul 40 0.06
Oji, the Exquisite Blade 37 0.2
Soulherder 35 0.03
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 13 0.01
Lagrella, the Magpie 12 0.04
Bartolomé del Presidio 10 0.13
Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant + Far Traveler 9 0.7
Metastatic Evangel 9 0.24
Botanical Brawler 9 0.12
Sarevok, Deathbringer + Far Traveler 8 0.29
Sumala Rumblers 8 0.21
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 7 0.34
Alora, Merry Thief + Far Traveler 7 0.29
Aron, Benalia's Ruin 7 0.1
Hammers of Moradin 6 0.27
Hamza, Guardian of Arashin 6 0.0
Daru Warchief 5 0.13
Denethor, Ruling Steward 5 0.09
Baron Bertram Graywater 5 0.07
Barrowin of Clan Undurr 5 0.03
Warden of the Eye 5 0.02
Gut, True Soul Zealot + Inspiring Leader 5 -0.02
Azorius Aethermage 4 0.18
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Veteran Soldier 4 0.17
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