
Crimson Acolyte

Creature — Human Cleric

View on Scryfall

Appears in 116 of 12,100 decks (1.0%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Edgewalker 11 0.18
Phyrexian Censor 8 0.22
Mother of Runes 4 0.49
Angelic Cub 4 0.44
Hammers of Moradin 4 0.24
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Veteran Soldier 3 0.22
Ertha Jo, Frontier Mentor 3 0.13
Mentor of the Meek 3 0.08
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer 3 0.0
Doubtless One 2 0.66
Rasaad yn Bashir + Far Traveler 2 0.49
Recruitment Officer 2 0.24
Attended Healer 2 0.17
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar + Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar 2 0.14
Lady Evangela 2 0.13
Losheel, Clockwork Scholar 2 0.11
Ajani's Pridemate 2 0.07
Kemba, Kha Regent 2 0.02
Sigil Captain 2 0.01
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer 2 0.0
Reyav, Master Smith 2 0.0
Alaborn Zealot 1 None
Kor Firewalker 1 0.99
War Oracle 1 0.99
Radiant, Serra Archangel + Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar 1 0.99
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