
Duskhunter Bat

Creature — Bat

View on Scryfall

Appears in 33 of 15,300 decks (0.2%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Azra Oddsmaker 8 0.04
Winding Constrictor 4 0.06
Passageway Seer 3 0.16
Inkfathom Witch 3 0.05
Oona's Blackguard 2 0.12
Archetype of Finality 1 0.5
Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker + Feywild Visitor 1 0.12
Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith 1 0.1
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Agent of the Shadow Thieves 1 0.08
Regal Bloodlord 1 0.06
Unforgiving One 1 0.05
Shessra, Death's Whisper 1 0.04
Loyal Subordinate 1 0.02
Wilson, Refined Grizzly + Agent of the Shadow Thieves 1 0.01
Ravenous Squirrel 1 0.01
Corpsejack Menace 1 0.01
Mayhem Devil 1 0.0
Rilsa Rael, Kingpin 1 0.0
Gray Merchant of Asphodel 1 0.0
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