
Hungry Ridgewolf

Creature — Wolf

View on Scryfall

Appears in 46 of 14,101 decks (0.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Immerwolf 31 0.61
Kessig Naturalist // Lord of the Ulvenwald 4 0.57
Child of the Pack // Savage Packmate 4 0.33
Pyreheart Wolf 1 0.5
Sunrise Cavalier 1 0.25
Gut, True Soul Zealot + Guild Artisan 1 0.11
Flame Channeler // Embodiment of Flame 1 0.06
Storm Skreelix 1 0.06
Alpine Houndmaster 1 0.04
Bear's Companion 1 0.01
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