
Moment of Triumph


View on Scryfall

Appears in 77 of 17,185 decks (0.4%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer 12 0.04
Illuminator Virtuoso 7 0.14
Ajani's Pridemate 5 0.12
Indulging Patrician 5 0.04
Vanguard of Brimaz 3 0.4
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh + Keleth, Sunmane Familiar 3 0.03
Congregation Gryff 2 1.0
Adanto Vanguard 2 0.4
Lone Rider // It That Rides as One 2 0.18
Twinblade Paladin 2 0.15
Regal Bloodlord 2 0.09
Cleric of Life's Bond 2 0.07
Tura Kennerüd, Skyknight 2 0.05
Phalanx Leader 2 0.03
Cliffhaven Vampire 2 0.01
Psemilla, Meletian Poet 1 None
Pegasus Guardian // Rescue the Foal 1 1.0
Dauntless Veteran 1 1.0
Clever Lumimancer 1 0.25
Famished Paladin 1 0.25
Favored Hoplite 1 0.2
Markov Purifier 1 0.11
Tower Gargoyle 1 0.09
Starseer Mentor 1 0.07
Yotian Tactician 1 0.06
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