
Warden of Geometries

Creature — Eldrazi Drone

View on Scryfall

Appears in 389 of 55,110 decks (0.7%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Walker of the Wastes 63 0.63
Glaring Fleshraker 44 0.24
Herald of Kozilek 37 0.57
Titans' Vanguard 32 0.5
Breaker of Creation 14 0.58
Forerunner of Slaughter 11 0.84
Extricator of Sin // Extricator of Flesh 11 0.34
Artisan of Kozilek 10 0.83
Pathrazer of Ulamog 6 0.66
Flayer Drone 6 0.54
Alert Heedbonder 5 0.12
Grizzled Angler // Grisly Anglerfish 4 0.79
Cyberman Patrol 4 0.04
Syr Konrad, the Grim 4 0.01
Bane of Bala Ged 3 0.74
Epochrasite 3 0.59
Catacomb Sifter 3 0.39
Cogwork Assembler 3 0.19
Wicker Picker 3 0.17
Ornithopter 3 0.15
Arcbound Crusher 3 0.11
Mentor of the Meek 3 0.06
Svella, Ice Shaper 3 0.01
Fusion Elemental 3 0.01
Sphinx of the Guildpact 3 0.01
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