
Memory Leak


View on Scryfall

Appears in 61 of 21,327 decks (0.3%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Lazotep Chancellor 9 0.06
Queza, Augur of Agonies 5 0.01
Murderous Redcap 4 0.05
Shadowstorm Vizier 3 0.25
Horrid Shadowspinner 2 0.06
Hateful Eidolon 2 0.03
Gray Merchant of Asphodel 2 0.01
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 2 0.0
Tor Wauki the Younger 2 0.0
Ghost of Ramirez DePietro + Armix, Filigree Thrasher 1 None
Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator 1 None
Vile Manifestation 1 1.0
Ruthless Sniper 1 0.5
Locust Miser 1 0.33
Earthblighter 1 0.25
Young Necromancer 1 0.2
Scion of Darkness 1 0.14
Undercity Informer 1 0.14
Urgoros, the Empty One 1 0.09
Starseer Mentor 1 0.07
Mundungu 1 0.06
Ashiok's Adept 1 0.05
Oona's Blackguard 1 0.05
Butch DeLoria, Tunnel Snake 1 0.05
Worldheart Phoenix 1 0.04
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