
Cosi's Ravager

Creature — Elemental

View on Scryfall

Appears in 123 of 20,175 decks (0.6%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Brushfire Elemental 14 0.44
Strider, Ranger of the North 11 0.54
Creeping Trailblazer 9 0.37
Zendikar Incarnate 7 0.36
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith + Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer 7 0.05
Tor Wauki the Younger 6 0.01
Erinis, Gloom Stalker + Dragon Cultist 4 0.44
Skarrg Guildmage 4 0.44
Erinis, Gloom Stalker + Street Urchin 4 0.01
Incandescent Soulstoke 3 0.28
Erinis, Gloom Stalker + Guild Artisan 3 0.18
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame 3 0.01
Magma Pummeler 2 0.49
Sprouting Goblin 2 0.49
Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith 2 0.15
Dargo, the Shipwrecker + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith 2 0.13
Ruination Rioter 2 0.07
Composite Golem 2 0.02
Fusion Elemental 2 0.0
Kulrath Knight 1 None
Paragon of the Amesha 1 None
Tunneling Geopede 1 0.99
Alena, Kessig Trapper 1 0.99
Char-Rumbler 1 0.99
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith + Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar 1 0.99
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