
Djeru's Renunciation


View on Scryfall

Appears in 81 of 17,597 decks (0.5%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Savai Thundermane 14 0.76
Flourishing Fox 8 1.0
Sharae of Numbing Depths 5 0.07
Proud Mentor + Impetuous Protege 3 0.25
Shay Cormac 3 0.14
Extricator of Sin // Extricator of Flesh 3 0.06
Queza, Augur of Agonies 3 0.0
Stoic Champion 2 1.0
Vanguard of Brimaz 2 0.4
Phalanx Leader 2 0.03
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward + Far Traveler 2 0.01
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer 2 0.0
Jasmine Boreal of the Seven 2 0.0
Mystic Enforcer 1 None
Wardscale Dragon 1 1.0
Valiant Rescuer 1 1.0
Aethershield Artificer 1 0.5
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar + Alharu, Solemn Ritualist 1 0.5
Clever Lumimancer 1 0.25
Amber Gristle O'Maul + Inspiring Leader 1 0.25
Space Marine Scout 1 0.25
Favored Hoplite 1 0.2
Primaris Chaplain 1 0.16
Elite Scaleguard 1 0.16
Mother of Runes 1 0.11
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