
Skyhunter Skirmisher

Creature — Cat Knight

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Appears in 461 of 17,597 decks (2.6%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Sigil Captain 71 0.61
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar 42 0.08
King of the Pride 31 0.85
Minthara, Merciless Soul 30 0.05
Beckoning Will-o'-Wisp 15 0.86
Kangee, Sky Warden 14 0.13
Akiri, Fearless Voyager 13 0.13
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh + Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist 13 0.03
Killian, Ink Duelist 12 0.01
Satyr Enchanter 11 0.0
Kemba, Kha Regent 10 0.09
Bruenor Battlehammer 10 0.03
Marshal of Zhalfir 9 0.47
Wintermoor Commander 7 0.75
Empyrean Eagle 7 0.17
Aryel, Knight of Windgrace 7 0.16
Phalanx Leader 7 0.09
Emissary of Soulfire 6 0.1
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun 5 0.1
Reyav, Master Smith 5 0.02
Springjack Shepherd 4 0.16
Tiana, Ship's Caretaker 4 0.07
Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider 4 0.07
Park Bleater 3 0.57
Samwise the Stouthearted 3 0.4
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