

Artifact Creature — Scarecrow

View on Scryfall

Appears in 39 of 38,790 decks (0.1%).

Appears with these commanders:

Commander Decks â†“ Synergy
Obelisk Spider 14 0.31
Wicker Picker 4 0.27
Walking Skyscraper 3 0.5
Quillspike 3 0.23
Murderous Redcap 2 0.03
Phyrexian War Beast 1 1.0
Decimator Beetle 1 1.0
Thief of Blood 1 1.0
Shimmer Myr 1 0.33
Hydra Trainer 1 0.33
Magical Hacker 1 0.25
Arcus Acolyte 1 0.09
Rishkar, Peema Renegade 1 0.08
Lumbering Megasloth 1 0.08
Patchwork Automaton 1 0.02
Transguild Courier 1 0.02
Displaced Dinosaurs 1 0.01
Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder 1 0.0
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