
Narfi, Betrayer King

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

135 Blackcleave Goblin 0.06
135 Eaten Alive 0.06
135 Cast Down 0.06
135 Metathran Zombie 0.06
135 Festering Mummy 0.06
135 Bone Shards 0.06
135 Aphetto Dredging 0.06
135 Miasmic Mummy 0.06
135 Toxic Nim 0.06
160 Black Cat 0.05
160 Polluted Dead 0.05
160 Dismal Backwater 0.05
160 Soul Manipulation 0.05
160 Chill to the Bone 0.05
160 Viscera Dragger 0.05
160 Rimewind Taskmage 0.05
160 Makeshift Mauler 0.05
160 Ashes to Ashes 0.05
160 Commander's Sphere 0.05
160 Khenra Eternal 0.05
160 Blighted Bat 0.05
160 Returned Phalanx 0.05
160 Omen of the Dead 0.05
160 Relentless Advance 0.05
160 Doomed Dissenter 0.05

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