
Narfi, Betrayer King

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

263 Shambling Ghoul 0.01
263 Blood Beckoning 0.01
263 Flight 0.01
263 Thoughtpicker Witch 0.01
263 Bad Ass 0.01
263 Ice Over 0.01
263 Festive Funeral 0.01
263 Havengul Skaab 0.01
263 Maestros Theater 0.01
263 Sidisi's Pet 0.01
263 Divest 0.01
263 Cradle to Grave 0.01
263 Funeral Longboat 0.01
263 Font of Return 0.01
263 Bubble Snare 0.01
263 Infectious Host 0.01
263 Tidal Flats 0.01
263 Summon Undead 0.01
263 Dutiful Return 0.01
263 Raise Dead 0.01
263 Liliana's Steward 0.01
263 Pack's Disdain 0.01
263 Rotting Mastodon 0.01
263 Behold the Multiverse 0.01
263 Ice Cage 0.01

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