
Reverent Hoplite

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

195 Lapse of Certainty 0.09
195 Guardian Naga // Banishing Coils 0.09
195 Ceremonial Knife 0.09
195 Revitalize 0.09
205 Destroy Evil 0.08
205 Crystal Grotto 0.08
205 Transcendent Envoy 0.08
205 Staunch Throneguard 0.08
205 Study Hall 0.08
205 Kabira Crossroads 0.08
211 Network Terminal 0.07
211 Cho-Manno's Blessing 0.07
211 Pacifism 0.07
211 Hunted Witness 0.07
211 Scrollshift 0.07
211 Minimus Containment 0.07
217 Tocasia's Dig Site 0.06
217 Sejiri Steppe 0.06
219 Stave Off 0.04
219 Late to Dinner 0.04
219 Inspiring Overseer 0.04
219 Apostle's Blessing 0.04
219 Honored Heirloom 0.04
224 Doomed Traveler 0.03
224 Snow-Covered Plains 0.03

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