
Tatyova, Benthic Druid

Deck nameCreatorSource
Tatyova pEDH stoneforge_mistake Moxfield
Tatyova cpdh kelseeliz Moxfield
tatyova blackoutbert Moxfield
PauperMander eloc Archidekt
Pauper Tatyova AlanRollForCrypt Moxfield
Tatyova PDH Protagorist Archidekt
Pauper EDH KrispOatmeal Moxfield
Tatyova Pauper EDH AnotherRebel Archidekt
tatyova who is objectively the best commander ever to exist in any format pantsharmonicon Archidekt
Blue/Green Pauper Infinity529 Archidekt
[cPDH] Tatyova Combo PerhapsJustin Moxfield
Tatyova Pauper Land Drops MarshalMagic Moxfield
Tatyova, Benthic Druid BCEbear Moxfield
Tatyova PEDH LordHelixArisen Moxfield
Tatyova PEDH baconmaster95 Archidekt
Tatyova, Benthic Druid - Power 4 Bulverik Moxfield
Tatyova, Benthic Druid Danielx71 Moxfield
Tatyova 1v1 cPDH naptown_hustle Moxfield
Tatyova PDH Net Raven_kjs Moxfield
2nd pauper deck lokhie Moxfield

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