
Tatyova, Steward of Tides

Deck nameCreatorSource
When Nature Attacks (Pauper EDH) The_Casual_Commander Moxfield
Tatyova land fall - Pauper Buffoonery Moxfield
Simic Landfall PDH eteague Moxfield
Focus on the Ramp-part DryerAverage Archidekt
Midrange: Tatyova Aalfisken Moxfield
Tatyova Steward of Tides AriyaIsTheBest Moxfield
Flying Landos Shvian Archidekt
Tatyova Tides | Flying Manlands | Simic JooLooWoo Moxfield
Land hoooo Kyler.Wilson Archidekt
The Steward of Tides blakeneyabyss Moxfield
Tatyova Landfall pEDH SplugeJesus Moxfield
Tatyova, Steward of Pauper Darth_Tibo Moxfield
Tides of War (Pauper) Collerz Moxfield
Tatyova, Steward of Tides [cPDH] | "TST" NateDiggity7 Moxfield
PEDH - UG Tatyova Landfall Bakkre Moxfield
Tatyova's Living Lands MemoryLapis Moxfield
My best Zendikar impression - Tatyova, Steward of Tides Pauper CrocScale Moxfield
the land is full of life Mattfu Moxfield
PDH Tatyova - Those lands belong in a museum! K_riot Moxfield
Tatyova‘s flying lands lodendonie Moxfield

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