
Lagomos, Hand of Hatred

Deck nameCreatorSource
Proper Pauper Cascading Commander Lord_hellmen Moxfield
Moggwarts Lagomos [cPDH] Dulcis Moxfield
Rakdos Sacrifice JuSimo Moxfield
LagoCombo tuprewm Moxfield
Persistent Students Lyranon Moxfield
goblin burn frogvie Moxfield
Lagomos, Hand of Midrange MattEdwardsPDH Moxfield
Spawn of Lagomos dracv_pauper Moxfield
Oops, I combo'd again TechnicoloredMime Moxfield
Sacrifice x 5 = win PDH CommonCommander Moxfield
lagomos PDH johnsmith Moxfield
Hand of wRATh (PDH) Sprout Moxfield
Lagomos Control/Midrange cPDH MattEdwardsPDH Moxfield

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