
Eidolon of Rhetoric

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

176 Trailblazer's Torch 0.11
176 Decanter of Endless Water 0.11
176 Icewind Stalwart 0.11
176 Expedition Map 0.11
176 Break Ties 0.11
176 Roving Harper 0.11
182 Crystal Grotto 0.1
182 Cho-Manno's Blessing 0.1
182 Prismatic Lens 0.1
182 Triplicate Spirits 0.1
186 Omen of the Sun 0.09
186 Ironclad Slayer 0.09
186 Network Terminal 0.09
186 Explorer's Scope 0.09
186 Disciple of the Sun 0.09
191 Justiciar's Portal 0.08
192 Honored Heirloom 0.07
192 Haunted Fengraf 0.07
194 Gold Myr 0.06
194 Stave Off 0.06
196 Raise the Alarm 0.05
196 Everflowing Chalice 0.05
198 Acrobatic Maneuver 0.04
198 Ethereal Armor 0.04
200 Flicker of Fate 0.03

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