
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

Deck nameCreatorSource
PEDH - Shirei, Shizo’s Caretaker ; Reduce, Reuse, Eekeekee JEBROTHEUS Moxfield
Pauper: Shirei,Once more with feelings Hymnea Moxfield
Shirei Weenies TheBamEffect Moxfield
shish Torre410 Moxfield
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker PEDH TheSaucedPope Moxfield
Shirei GAMING SirShyLordy Moxfield
Pauper Commander - Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker, tribute to PH TheBrain Moxfield
Shirei Shizo's Caretaker (PDH) Poisonserpent92 Moxfield
Shirei Pauper herasaur Moxfield
Black leblejor Archidekt
baby necro patkinj42 Moxfield
pDH Shirei Boozu Moxfield
Shirei PDH Keith Archidekt
Mono black pauper edh YogSothoth Archidekt
Shirei PDH Myervix Moxfield
B Shirei PDH snes1313 Moxfield
Shirei Pauper bigsock Moxfield
[PDH]Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker Dussilveira Moxfield
Shirei, Poops lil guys Esteban25 Moxfield
Shirei || How many times do we have to teach you old man vaxe21 Moxfield

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