
Reflector Mage

Synergy is a rough depiction of how well and uniquely a card pairs with a commander. Read more on the About page.

223 Hindering Light 0.05
223 Arcane Signet 0.05
223 Aether Spellbomb 0.05
223 Deprive 0.05
230 Steel of the Godhead 0.04
230 Blacksmith's Skill 0.04
230 Trinket Mage 0.04
230 Ravenform 0.04
230 Blink of an Eye 0.04
230 Witness Protection 0.04
236 Spell Pierce 0.03
236 Capsize 0.03
238 Fellwar Stone 0.02
239 Impulse 0.01
240 Mana Leak —
240 Sky Diamond —
240 Palace Sentinels —
240 Seat of the Synod —
240 Crib Swap —
245 Bonder's Ornament -0.01
245 Marble Diamond -0.01
245 Into the Roil -0.01
248 Tranquil Cove -0.03
249 Drift of Phantasms -0.04
249 Arcane Denial -0.04

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