
Lagrella, the Magpie

Deck nameCreatorSource
LaMP JxC24 Moxfield
Magpie Babayushki Archidekt
Lagrella [PDH] LilyFlowa Moxfield
Lagrella AleX94JD Archidekt
lagrella pauper value blink fun time scarbonez Moxfield
PDH - EDH Playable 6+ - Lagrella Soul Sisters cPDH_Library Moxfield
cPDH - EDH Playable 6+ - Lagrella Soul Sisters Topdeckedgaming Moxfield
Lagrella Slivers PDH Chiligyro Moxfield
pEDH-A1e- Vehicular Pauperslaughter (By Krazydodadz) Krazydodadz Moxfield
Lagrella, the Magpie/Blink GroupHug [RETIRED] samhain Moxfield
Pauper Bant Blink Frutch Archidekt
Lagrella 1v1 cPDH naptown_hustle Moxfield
Chance’s Pauper Cheba Deck SirChancelot20 Moxfield
PDH - Lagrella BrodyHimself Moxfield
Hostage Taker faith Moxfield
Lagrella Pauper OttDenney Moxfield
Lagrella PDH 2207 IzzetTechPriest Moxfield
Lagrella’s confusing textbox - PDH CommonCommander Moxfield
Pauper EDH Blink kingkenny Moxfield
Lagrella Blink Pezz Moxfield
lagrella, the magpie sogadapc Moxfield
Energy Collector ZZMartian Archidekt
Lagrella ETB - PDH johnsmith Moxfield

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