
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame

Deck nameCreatorSource
Keep the Flame alive! Ironhidelion Moxfield
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame goblininstigator Moxfield
Equipment Spam LavaFlash Moxfield
Valduk pauper Sam123123 Archidekt
valdurken my turken jizzledylit Moxfield
Valduk, Pauper of the Flame Emal Moxfield
Mono Red Voltron waylonjohn Moxfield
Snap Keep McMayhem Archidekt
valduk pauper shadeshepard Moxfield
Valduk Aggro [PDH] muferion Moxfield
Valduk PDH CricketJam Moxfield
pEDH - Voltron PaternoHD Moxfield
Pauper EDH #1 MyFriendBobby Moxfield
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame Marshstepper78 Moxfield
Thinking is for Losers Jacoblo Moxfield
Suit 'Em Up HomaridShaman Moxfield
PDH Valduk luxandros Moxfield
pEDH - Valduk Kronos87 Moxfield
Valduk more like ValPOOP BeefuChhan Archidekt
Funny turn sideways SomeGrayBoi Moxfield

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