
Aegar, the Freezing Flame

Deck nameCreatorSource
Aegar, the Freezing Flame|| It's OUR combat phase vaxe21 Moxfield
Mr. Heatmiser CaleU011 Moxfield
WunWun Lazarus Moxfield
Aegar Giant PDH JNB6037 Moxfield
Aegar, the Freezing Pauper markleineweber Moxfield
Giants, Wizards, and Spells OH MY! cardpantheon Archidekt
pEDH Izzet Wizard/Giants KameronGoosen Archidekt
Aegar Pauper timefabric Moxfield
PDH Titan Map217 Archidekt
pauper izzit yaylolzombie Moxfield
blue eyes red cards dny Moxfield
Pauper Aegar, the Freezing Flame (Damage/Control) Lodusrex Archidekt
Izzet Smack Nuclearflunky Moxfield
PDH Ezize Archidekt
Aegar Cloneca Archidekt
Giant Wizardry garym Archidekt
Aegar, LCS Bulk Only FoxWitTheGlocks Moxfield
Step on me Big Daddies. Showgun100 Moxfield
Big Boy Burn (Pauper) Collerz Moxfield
Aegar of Aggression DrCalamity Moxfield

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