
Ghost of Ramirez DePietro + Tormod, the Desecrator

Deck nameCreatorSource
Tormod Ramirez Combo Bman1371 Archidekt
Desecrator's Ghost AegonTargaryen68 Moxfield
Dimir | Pauper Ghost & Tormod El_Sexortistico Moxfield
rather ghastly floop.jpg Archidekt
Tormod and his twink (pEDH) goblincharbelchercombo Moxfield
Tormod + Ramirez v2.0 WIP RayGarr Moxfield
Tormod Ramirez Pauper EDH Mejellin Moxfield
Ghost and Desecrator snuffy1987 Moxfield
Tormod, the Desicrator / Ghost of Ramirez DePetro BardsNBarters Moxfield
zombie arrrrg depaman95 Moxfield
Ramirez Tormod Muge02 Moxfield
08B) Dimir, Ghost of Ramirez DePietro & Tormod the Desecrator Partner* DrSebLeaf Moxfield
Tormod/Ramirez ElectricTuba Moxfield
Tormod DePrieto PEDH Valdhemar Moxfield
Cpdh Graveyard Shenanigans DrowPhyrex1A Moxfield
Shambling Masses Toxion Moxfield
Curse of the Black Pearl EleshNorn21 Moxfield
Ramirez/tormond pDH Markvatr Archidekt
(c?)PDH Tormod/Ramirez (disc.) Spidery7 Moxfield
Ramirez Tormod | cPDH Leun Archidekt

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