
Fusion Elemental

Deck nameCreatorSource
Fusion Dance RELAXIN_VENTUS Moxfield
Pauper Commander (5-Color Landfall) Chaosreigns Archidekt
PauperCommander theChairez01 Moxfield
Fusion timefabric Moxfield
Fusion Elemental - Multicolor Lobbert Moxfield
Five Eight corygeez Moxfield
Tribal Fractius Otaviobressan Moxfield
SLVRS matheusrod92 Moxfield
Pauper Slvrs matheusrod92 Archidekt
Polymerzation guillotinemcgee Moxfield
Acidic Sliver Pauper DragonJayg Archidekt
sliverss mininglad Moxfield
Ugly and the Beast retrohemmo Moxfield
pedh storm WUBRG + SaloBonRF Moxfield
Sliver Party Pauper WH1B Moxfield
Auld Johnny Dhu GoblinClockwork Moxfield
fusey Echopichu Moxfield
cPDH penta Marshalleaf Moxfield
Sliver Gizmonater Archidekt
5C Funsies Captainm22 Moxfield

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