
Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith + Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer

Deck nameCreatorSource
Pauper R/G golems xmas 2022 deck chalange azalord Archidekt
Golems Rock! Vathrum Archidekt
Golem Rocks pinkgoldwhale Archidekt
Golems Hurling Rocks (PDH) MrBeef23 Moxfield
Rock Pauper Scissors dbvasconcelos Archidekt
With These Stones Trillocybin Moxfield
rocking up the counters DonnerTropfen Moxfield
Rock 'N Roll Golem Blitz722 Archidekt
Ok rocko bghoull Moxfield
*PEDH* LetsRock Snackeater Archidekt
double A Ball Dooley87 Moxfield
pdh - IchTekik and Toggo blindflips Moxfield
Rocks and Golems Pauper EDH Ancalagon91 Moxfield
Golems (Ich-Tekik // Toggo ) DoctorChesh Archidekt
pEDH Rock and Stone OrigamiCello Moxfield
pedh mantis Moxfield
Gruul artifacts BipBoopIAmACow Archidekt
itchy scratchy rocks zorbozorbo Archidekt
Rock & Robots (G/R Ich/Toggo) Sergio Moxfield
Of Rocks and Golems (pEDH) KylesHereGuys Moxfield

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